Introduction & Concepts


Startup scripts that come with services are commonly of the launch-and-abandon variety, i.e. after a demon fork was successful, the service is left alone and not watched from the outside. But quite often problems arise only late in an initialization procedure, and if no monitoring system or human watches the logs and other indicators of failure, those problems go unnoticed or at least are only recognized far later than they could be.

The mission of Bootils is to fix that, by checking operational parameters before launching a service, during its initialization, and while it is running. It also assists with describing robust startup procedures, and can thus help to replace fragile default init.d scripts without spending lots of effort. This also helps to reduce variation in the way different service processes are managed.

Design Principles

Bootils follows the Unix Design Philosophy of providing small, simple, clear, modular, and extensible building blocks, to give its user the maximum amount of flexibility and reusability.

Feature Overview

  • Plugin ArchitectureBootils has a very small core that manages a set of configured plugins, both built-in and custom ones.
  • Pre-Condition Checks – If a service depends on the availability of resources like mount points or disk space, you can assert they’re OK, instead of noticing problems only after you have one more incident to handle.
  • Facility Re-Use – Established technologies like process supervisors, the Jolokia JMX bridge and so on can be integrated via plugins.
  • Runtime Environments – In particular for launching Java / JVM applications, a standard runtime is provided based on the Tanuki Java Service Wrapper, which already establishes a basic level of startup and runtime monitoring.