Installation Guide


The following sections describe different installation options – choose the right one for you. If you use bash, consider Setting Up bash Completion.

You might also need to follow some setup procedures to make the necessary basic commands available on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.


Bootils is tested on Debian Wheezy and Ubuntu Trusty. It will generally work on other platforms or other versions of these distributions, too. The most important pre-requisite is availability of Python 2.7 or 3.4+.

Installation as a Debian Package

Debian packages of release versions will eventually be available on Bintray. Follow the instructions there to extend your APT configuration, update your package database with apt-get update, and finally install the package using apt-get install bootils.

If you want to build your own package file directly from source, you need to follow these steps:

After installation, continue with the Quick-Start Guide.

Installation With pip

Bootils can be installed via pip install bootils as usual, see releases on GitHub for an overview of available versions. To get a bleeding-edge version from source, use these commands:

pip install -r "$repo/master/requirements.txt"
pip install -U -e "git+$repo.git#egg=${repo#*/}"

It is recommended to not do this via sudo, but to create a virtualenv first, or use pipsi for installation. See Contribution Guidelines on how to create a full development environment.

Continue with Setting Up bash Completion or the Quick-Start Guide.

Setting Up bash Completion

To add bash completion, read the Click docs about it, or just follow these instructions:

mkdir -p ~/.bash_completion.d
( export _$(tr a-z- A-Z_ <<<"$cmdname")_COMPLETE=source ; \
  $cmdname >~/.bash_completion.d/$ )
grep /.bash_completion.d/$ ~/.bash_completion >/dev/null \
    || echo >>~/.bash_completion ". ~/.bash_completion.d/$"
. "/etc/bash_completion"


The Debian package already comes equipped with an appropriate snippet, just make sure you have the bash-completion package installed.

The Quick-Start Guide describes the next steps.